Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Reformed Passion
Click on the image to see a bigger view of it.
Spirituality is serious beans folks. A handful of seriously serious beans.
Without going into a great deal of detail, and I know a good portion of my current audience already knows this story, but a powerful transition took place in my life over two years ago where I was faced with the fact that I knew a lot about God, but I never really knew God. This is easy to do when you have so much scripture thrown at you growing up that you think you already know all the good parts and no longer need to crack your Bible open.
In sense, you become inoculated to Christianity
After this transformation in my life I had an unfathomable desire to consume God's word. With this addiction came an unexpected, yet necessary and perfectly logical desire. I wanted to know why I believed what I did. I wanted to strip down every doctrine I had adhered to, every opinion I had argued for, and everything I thought Christianity was and seek purely after Biblical truth.
I wasn't prepared for how this decision was going to eat my entire Christian paradigm inside out. This happened in a few different areas, and it is probably better saved for possible blogs down the road. But this introduced me to some concepts that I was ignorant of beforehand. Ignorant either because I was completely unaware, or because I thought I understood what a particular concept was only to find I was oblivious.
It also introduced me to two words that were vaguely familiar, and yet I had no clue what they had meant at the time. Calvinism, and Arminianism.
When I found myself in a position where I craved to know what the Bible said about, well, anything, I found myself continually drawn to these fantastic resources made available by a group of people who are now being called (most recently by TIME magazine) as the "New-Calvinists." I found myself challenged more than I had at any other point in my life by sermons from John Piper, Matt Chandler, and the always controversial and Seattle's own, Mark Driscoll.
What struck me as strange was that they had a few (not many, but key) viewpoints that differed a great deal from my upbringing in the church. What was more difficult, was that they had very strong scriptural support for these views. I found myself digging deeper into the Bible, looking up Greek and Hebrew translations and cross-referencing the stitching out of my Bible trying to build the strongest foundation I could construct.
Throughout this period I slowly came to a conclusion that currently saddens me.
You see, I grew up in a Pentecostal Spirit Filled atmosphere. It has been my experience that these churches tend to be very strong when it comes to emphasizing the emotional aspect of the Christian walk. Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing either. The times in a church service that I have felt the most intimate with God has been in Spirit Filled churches. There's an openness that invites you into worship and draws you into feeling God's presence. The problem is that where the many Spirit Filled churches excel in passion, they drop the ball when it comes to intellectual doctrinal teaching.
This is where the Reformed church has been stepping in for the rebound over the last few years. I've visited Mars Hill a couple times since moving to Seattle and as controversial and... different as Mark Driscoll is, I can assure you that I learned so much at his church. Even my wife became extremely interested in his church, feeling like she had gained a great deal during our visits there.
There's only two problems here.
One: These "New-Calvinists" / Reformed / Resurgence churches proclaim to be Spirit Filled churches. From what I can tell, this is part of what separates the New-Calvinist from the older brand. This doesn't really change the fact that there's still a "difference" between churches when I've visited. Now granted, I've only visited Mars Hill twice and that isn't exactly a definitive sample size, yet their worship services have never matched up to the intensity that I've seen at my very own chapel services at Northwest University.
Two: Predestination. I just cant do it. For a scriptural paradigm that is supposed to be so definitively biblical, and for a group of people that emphasise the obviousness of predestination, I simply cant get it to stick.
As many verses as I can find that talks about God predestining us for anything, all of them can still be interpreted in a way that allows complete free will, and yet none of them (that I've found thus far) can explain some of the specific events that take place in the Bible.
Gen 3:22 has God kicking Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden "lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—” Many Calvinists explain that Adam and Eve "enjoyed free will" before the fall, and yet after the fall it appears that God is stating that he doesn't trust the free will of man to not eat from the tree of life. Where is the predestination?
Exodus 32:10-14 God is royally ticked at the Israelites and is about to smite the dickens out of them when not only does the Bible say that Moses reminds God of his covenant with Abraham, but that God changes his mind after listening to Moses. Predestination?
This doesn't count the fact that Abraham had what seems to be a relationship with God, interacts with God, and God takes Abraham's opinions into hand when making decisions.
Or in 1 Corinthians 9:27 that Paul says that he must discipline himself daily lest after preaching to others he himself should become a reprobate.
How can any of these things exist in a world with 100% complete no-compromise predestination founded from before the beginnings of creation?
As far as I can tell, it cant. Fee free to explain to me how if you can. There's a ton about Calvinism that I can dig to some degree, I wouldn't take it as far as Hyper-Calvinism, but there's some really smart people out there that are totally into Predestination, and I don't claim to be a genius but I'm not an idiot either, and I cant see how anyone can look past this.
If you have an opinion on the matter, please comment. I've been reading sermons, listening to sermons, reading scripture, reading defenses, trying everything I can to see how these things can be reconciled. I cant find it.
In slightly more lighthearted news, like I mentioned in my last blog, I ran for student senate at my university to rep the commuting students. Election day was last Monday, and the results haven't been announced yet, but I'm feeling pretty confident here because when I went to go cast my vote, I saw that I was the only one on the ballot for my constituency.
It was this that helped me feel not so bad when I voted for myself.
I was thinking about it on the way home, but what kind of victory is something when you had no one to race against? Therefore, in honor of our beloved President, I decided to name my pending victory after his first adventure into politics.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I expect an announcement for not my victory, but my Obamictory. Winning by virtue of having no one running against you. This is how the President first made it into state politics in the first place. With that kind of track record, who knows what I can accomplish next!
Seriously though, if you need to sign up for an account to comment on this blog, go do it. It takes two seconds and it wont hurt you a bit. Leave a comment on the topic of this blog. What is your opinion of Calvinism? New-Calvinism. Do you like Pie? I like Pie. What do you think of Predestination?
Was I predestined to have an Obamictory?
I think the answer to that is maaaaaybe!
Friday, September 18, 2009
We're here! Where's the party?
"Lay 'Em Down" by Needtobreathe. This is the closest I could get to a video with a clean sound.
To be completely honest, it didn't take Kristina and I very long to realize that Washington is a very different state from Wisconsin, but it took a week or so of hearing others refer to the University of Washington as "U-Dub" before my ears stopped perking up, immediately filling my thoughts with cheese head wearing beer guzzling university students.
My family and I had about a week to suck in as much of the area as we could before my semester began at Northwest University and we zipped around to as many places as we could. We picked up a few items at the Pike Place market in Seattle, ate some seafood off the coast, visited as many local coffee shops as we could find which lead us to visit as many local restrooms as we could find as well. Frankly the local markets in this area are nothing short of phenomenal. I've never seen such a variety and selection of fresh foods, and being a guy who loves food, I find this quite exciting.
When it came time to start school, the one thing that took me by surprise was that Northwest University has a five day orientation for first year and transfer students. It runs from Wednesday to Sunday with some of the events being optional, leading into the first day of classes that Monday. This blew my mind. The orientation I suffered through at UWWC (University of Wisconsin - Washington County) was a few hours of mind numbing insignificant lecture. Even when I saw the agenda for the five day spread at NU I was a little... cautious... going into the first day.
What I found was one of the most enjoyable events of my post high school education career thus far. The next few days was filled with an obviously premeditated and well planned process for making sure all new students were fully prepared to enter their time in NU but it was also a great opportunity to learn about the culture of the area, the students you were going to be attending school with, and how much Northwest cares about their student body. The time, effort, and money that this University invests into their students is really impressive. On Monday, as I stepped into my first class, I was already excited to be a Northwest University student. I don't think I've really ever experienced that outside of Christianity before.
This doesn't mean I'm not working my butt off though. Beyond being excited about school itself, the second most exciting thing about my first day was after I spoke to my Professors and realized I didn't need to bring the large majority of my 30 lbs of 17+ books to school with me. Northwest is also a lot more involved per class than any school I've attended before this, but it doesn't really bother me so much, even with all the time I spend on preparing for classes.
Here's an example of a random days worth of reading I have for a class, Ill just flip through my assignment planner I filled out on my first week of class and pick whatever day comes and list it here.
Book 1 - 12 Pages
Book 2 - 16 Pages
6 Pages worth of Term definitions in a dictionary
The entire book of John in the New Testament (21 Chapters)
Textbook 1 - 22 Pages
The entire book of 1 Chronicles in the Old Testament (29 Chapters)
The entire book of 2 Chronicles in the Old Testament (36 Chapters)
Text book 2 - 10 Pages
Prepare for a section exam
That equals out to 28 book pages, 20 vocabulary/dictionary words, 32 textbook pages, three lengthy books of the bible, and studying to prepare for an exam the next morning.
This is assigned for one night's worth of reading. I assure you that I would spread the reading out over a few days but the reading on the days surrounding them aren't that much better. This doesn't mean that every night is this crowded, but there are some nights that are even busier than this.
The funny thing throughout all of this though, is that I love what I'm learning, and I'm truly learning so much. I'm taking a moderately heavy credit load. 17 credits, so I expected to work my tail off, but as long as I'm learning and I can apply what I'm learning towards God's plan for my life, all of this is worth it.
I haven't really talked about this much before this but I'm also running for student senate to represent fellow commuting students. I want to find ways to help students that don't live on campus to integrate themselves into the university's community and events. The voting is taking place next week and we should know the results from that soon afterwards. This is my first year at NU so I'm not really expecting much, but it would be great to have the opportunity to serve the community.
Surrounding all of this school stuff is the fact that Kristina and I are still looking for a local church to call home. As long as it isn't like this church, I think we'll be ok...
But that's a story for another time...
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Great Adventure
I totally would have used a "non official" video for this blog, but I think it’s a crying shame if I don't let you guys enjoy Steven Curtis' sweet sweet digitally mastered voice and beautiful wondrous young Matt Damon'esque hair. Like it or love it folks, I bring you only the best.
I would like to take this time to thank Mr. Chapman for everything he's brought to Christian Music, like his purdy blue eyes and fifty + dove awards.
By the way, don't tell me his eyes aren't blue, I googled it just to double check.
I always planned to really take this blog seriously after I moved to Washington, everything before that was just doinking around and trying things out. That's why I don't feel so bad clearing it all out and starting fresh. Feel free to take a seat and stay a while, enjoy the minty freshness, I hung one of those tree air fresheners in the corner just for your comfort.
It was almost a month ago that my wife and I finished packing up our Budget truck and began the slow crawl to Washington. It didn't take us long to figure out that since the truck only went about 65 mph, 75 mph downhill, the trip was going to take a little longer than we had originally planned.
I can’t really tell you much about what happened those days, seeing as I totally just turned on my iPod and "phoned in" my life for each of those four days, while trying to pay attention to the 2-way walkie talkies that Kristina (my wife, for those keeping track at home) and I were using to stay connected throughout the trip.
Let’s go there for just a second...
Personally, these walkie talkies were probably the best idea we had for the entire trip, and it sure beat the stuffing out of trying to call each other in the middle of Montana where the cell phone tower hasn't been invented yet. This didn't stop my wife from using the walkie talkies whenever she could find an opportunity to inform me of something, like "Hey honey. The trees are pretty here," or "Be careful, this hill is a little steep," as I'm already in the midst of a white knuckled wrestling match with the steering wheel and brakes trying not to attempt vehicular gymnastics as I reach for the walkie talkie and respond back with a "yeah... it's a mountain..."
The crowning joy of our trip was when the car trailer shredded a tire in the middle of Idontknowswhere, Montana. This gave my family the opportunity to find a great little side of the road diner where some lady named "Mama" questioned my masculinity when I ordered a bacon cheeseburger meal and couldn’t finish the pound of cow and bucket of fried potato strips that she gave me.
The best part of all of this is that we're here in Washington now. You would think that after four years of marriage and seven moves I would have known that my wife would insist on having everything completely unpacked within the first week. I didn’t, but it totally was. It's things like this that makes her my better half.
I’m in the clutches of school at the moment, but do not fear, I love every hour of it... well, except maybe the first hour after I wake up. I stopped being a morning person about five minutes after I finished with the Marine Corps and didn't have to wake up at zero-dark-thirty every morning.
Thanks for hanging out if you made it this far. I'll try to keep you all entertained in the days to come.